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Hind Sight…

Nine out of ten people who ask me what I do for a living have a very similar question once they understand the nature of my business. It is some version of, “where were you when I was in high school” or “where were you when I was trying to help...


Make Your Summer Count

I know that most high school students are only thinking about Spring Break right now but what you should have been thinking about since the end of Christmas break is what to do this summer. For all of you enterprising students who have secured a...


Just Write…

The starter pistol sounded when the Common Application essay prompts were released a few weeks ago. High School juniors all over the county have begun straining their brains in an attempt to write the perfect essay. That’s the first mistake...


Why Do Students Transfer?

I already knew that only about 20% of all students go to college, that almost half don’t have a degree after six years and that most don’t work in a career that utilizes their major. What I didn’t know is that more than a third transfer before...


Instant Essay Gratification

CollegeBoard and Khan Academy hooked up prior to the release of the New SAT in 2016 to provide some of the first study materials for the revamped exam. If you don’t recognize the name of the company CollegeBoard, then you likely have not had a...


Grow Up And Get A Job!

Judy Mollen had an article published this week whose title tugged at the edges of my mind, so I read it. Again, common sense stuff that is not so common in our society. The article centered on giving our kids the wrong message about being an...

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