College Prep

Education As A Smart Investment

I was over on the East Coast much of last week. No, I wasn’t goofing around – at least not the whole time… Several days were spent touring and learning about Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD). Typically, when I hear, “College of Art and...


Stop Being a Part of The Problem

Was Harvard really the best college for the 39,506 students who applied there in 2017? Was Stanford the best school for its 44,073 applicants or UT Austin the best choice for its 51,000 applicants in that same year? I can say with a great deal of...


Technology Changes Everything

If you were about to travel to a country where you don’t speak the language and I suggested you needed a babel fish, would you know what I was talking about? This is an easy question for anyone who has read The Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy...


The Process Never Ends…

You are finishing up your senior year; a great college has accepted you and even offered you financial aid to attend, your grades are good, you are in a good dorm and the next four years are set – at least it looks that way. Does your financial...


Always Get A Second Opinion

When I saw the article titled, “Financial Fitness: Shopping around for financial aid to ease college debt”, I thought that it was just another jumble of well-known facts rearranged to complete an assignment given to a novice journalist. Thank...


Watch And Learn

By the third week in February, even the students who got started late working on their college applications are mostly done with the process. If there is still work to do, it is usually applying for scholarships. This form of financial aid could...


The New Definition of Royalty

If you haven’t read the article published in the Washington Examiner on February 13, 2018, ( you should. It doesn’t...

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