College Prep

You Can’t Make Them Drink

Every year a number of parents usher their bright students into a preliminary meeting with me to explore the possibility of getting help with college planning. Typically, I can gauge the level of student buy-in for the process before a word is...


High School to College to Career

I talk almost non-stop to parents, tweens, teens and students in their early 20’s about getting into and succeeding in college. The story doesn’t end with the words, “and they all lived happily ever after” once someone graduates from college...


Pace Yourself

Back in college, I participated in a fitness and conditioning study. One measurement taken was endurance. It was measured by running on a treadmill that tilted up one grade and sped up one mile per hour at regular intervals. What does this have...

Phone: (713) 858-4325
Fax: (713) 858-4325
Richmond, TX 77406
1860 FM 359 #229