Author page: Jerry Daniels

Where Can Send Old Ideas To Die?

There are “zombies” and then there are zombie ideas. Those long-held beliefs that even when disproven tend to linger in our minds as true. At least that is Brennan Barnard’s idea of what a zombie idea is. In his article College Admission Zombies...


Kids are Full of Surprises

I have a favorite saying that I used when someone is stunned by something that has been said or done to them. It is, “when you are dealing with people, there are no absolutes.” It’s general enough to be interpreted by others to fit their...


The Myth of Merit Aid

When we think about marketing, visions of glossy brochures, catchy jingles, clever one-liners and memorable video clips come to mind. What few of us think about is a college scholarship. As an example, consider that well-placed commercial during...

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